Monday, November 21, 2011

Introduction to Immigration

Immigration is a pressing issue in the United States today. With thousands of immigrants coming across the border from Mexico and from other countries around the world, the United States needs to control the influx of foreigners in some way. Many Americans disagree on how best this could be done.

Conservatives typically favor erecting a fence along the border, simply increasing border control and deportation of those who come to the United States illegally. They claim that immigrants who illegally come to the United States take jobs away from Americans who are currently unemployed as it is.

Liberals favor legislation that allows immigrants to work and live in the country without being deported. They say that immigrants increase cultural vitality and represent a country of diversity and immigration, a country with welcoming arms. They also claim that immigrants who come here are good for the economy: they increase jobs by consuming more and they take the jobs that Americans would not necessarily have otherwise.

So which opinion is right? While there is no true correct opinion, I tend to agree with the more liberal and welcoming approach. However, this blog will discuss both sides of the debate and the latest news and legislation surrounding it.

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